To stop wearing glasses or contacts.
Before any refractive eye surgery, a very specialized ophthalmological examination is performed. This is the preoperative ophthalmologic assessment.
The purpose of this comprehensive ophthalmologic workup is to determine:
– whether you are operable or not;
– the laser surgery technique best suited to your case, i.e. the technique that will provide both the best result and the most safety.
For this purpose,
The Monte-Carlo Clinic
is equipped with modern, high-tech and high-performance laser diagnostic equipment, including the latest ACE* OCT imaging technology from Bausch and Lomb and a NIDEK refractive chain.
Close reading becomes difficult. Presbyopia occurs from the age of 40 and is secondary to the aging of the lens which gradually loses its ability to accommodate. The image of an object is formed behind and not on the retina. With time you move your arms further and further away to read or look at your phone for example.
The Monte Carlo Clinic is one of the first clinics in the world hyper specialized in the specific treatment of Presbyopia
There are 3 techniques of laser surgery which are 100% laser LASIK and SUPRACOR, TransPRK and SMILE (or lenticular surgery)
LASIK. It is painless and allows a quick visual recovery (less than 24 hours) and the possibility to work the day after the operation. This is the most common technique used in refractive eye surgery today.
The SUPRACOR. This multifocal laser treatment process is unique in the world. It remodels the central part of the cornea and allows for the specific treatment of presbyopia.
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LASIK, or femto-LASIK, is a surgery that has been used for over 20 years. It combines the use of two lasers in order to accelerate visual recovery, while limiting post-operative discomfort.
First, the femtosecond laser creates a bubble interface on the surface of the cornea that will be lifted in order to treat the visual defect with a second laser. This is the excimer laser which allows a photoablation. The superficial corneal flap is put back in place at the end of the procedure. The operation is fast and strictly painless, thanks to a local anesthesia by eye drops.
This technique, for which we have significant experience, has the advantage of allowing a very rapid recovery of vision.
With more than 30 years of experience, PRK is a surface laser surgery. This procedure is performed 100% by laser, without contact with the eye, with a treatment time of less than one minute.
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The laser allows a precise ablation of the surface corneal tissue, programmed according to the visual defect to be treated. At the end of the operation, a dressing lens is put in place. It will be removed by your surgeon after 3 days. The operation is strictly painless, thanks to local anesthesia with eye drops.
The 100% laser SMILE is a laser surgery that has been practiced for about 10 years, using only the femtosecond laser.
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This innovative technique is only available in certain refractive surgery centers, including the Monte-Carlo Clinic. The femtosecond laser individualizes a lenticule in the corneal thickness. The shape of the lens that is then extracted depends on the degree of visual correction.
The operation is fast, totally painless and allows a quick visual recovery.
Intraocular implants are lenses that are placed in the eye.
There are 2 types of operations with implants.
Phake surgery for myopia is an additive technique, we do not remove anything, we add a lens (Phake implant) inside the eye. Phakes implants can be performed at any age.
They correct myopia, and possibly also vision defects that may be associated with myopia such as astigmatism and presbyopia. They are widely used when laser is not possible, and they have the advantage of being able to correct strong and malignant myopia.
This technique is intended for presbyopic patients who no longer wish to wear glasses for either distance or near vision.
The procedure consists of placing a multifocal implant to replace the lens that has been removed.
The technical platform includes exceptional operating theatres that comply with the latest European standards of asepsis and safety.
The Monte-Carlo Clinic is :
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We are equipped with the latest generation of lasers: an ACE® diagnostic and laser platform and the TECHNOLAS® TENEOTM 317 Model 2.
A complete ophthalmological assessment is performed by one of our ophthalmic surgeons
The best laser or implant surgery protocol is proposed to you with a quote
After your signed agreement, the laser or implant procedure is carried out and lasts a few minutes
It is painless and the visual recovery is fast the next day
A postoperative check-up is scheduled the evening or the day after your operation
You are taken care of by a professional medical team that is always available 24/7 by phone
A complete diagnostic assessment: clinical, photographic by artificial intelligence, biological, hormonal and genetic is performed by one of our hair surgeons
The best medical regenerative or surgical hair protocol is proposed to you with an estimate
After your signed consent, the hair transplant procedure or treatments will be performed are offered to you in ambulatory without pain and without scar
A postoperative check-up is scheduled in the evening, the day after and at a distance from your operation
You are taken care of by a professional medical team that is always available 24/7 by phone
Make an appointment today by phone, whatsapp or Doctolib.
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