Our commitment: innovation, cutting-edge technologies and medical expertise in the field of Plastic Surgery, Laser Vision Surgery and Hair Transplant to restore our patients’ confidence and appearance.
A complete ophthalmological assessment is performed by one of our ophthalmic surgeons
The best laser or implant surgery protocol is proposed to you with a quote
After your signed agreement, the laser or implant procedure is carried out and lasts a few minutes
It is painless and the visual recovery is fast the next day
A postoperative check-up is scheduled the evening or the day after your operation
You are taken care of by a professional medical team that is always available 24/7 by phone
A complete diagnostic assessment: clinical, photographic by artificial intelligence, biological, hormonal and genetic is performed by one of our hair surgeons
The best medical regenerative or surgical hair protocol is proposed to you with an estimate
After your signed consent, the hair transplant procedure or treatments will be performed are offered to you in ambulatory without pain and without scar
A postoperative check-up is scheduled in the evening, the day after and at a distance from your operation
You are taken care of by a professional medical team that is always available 24/7 by phone
Make an appointment today by phone, whatsapp or Doctolib.
Receive expert advice from La Clinique Monte-Carlo
Stay informed on the latest advances in cosmetic surgery, refractive surgery and hair treatments.